How to Embed a Song in PowerPoint

A laptop or computer screen with a powerpoint presentation playing a song

PowerPoint presentations can be made more engaging and memorable by adding music. Whether you want to use background music to set the mood or a song to emphasize a point, a well-placed tune can dramatically enhance the impact of your presentation. In this article, we’ll explore why you should consider adding music to your PowerPoint presentation, the benefits of using music, and how to embed a song in PowerPoint.

Why You Should Consider Adding Music to Your PowerPoint Presentation

Music can transport us emotionally in a way that words sometimes cannot. It can capture an audience’s attention, trigger certain emotions, and help them remember your message. If you’re trying to make a lasting impression with your presentation, using music can be a powerful tool. It can be especially effective for seminars, product launches, and marketing presentations.

Additionally, incorporating music into your presentation can also help to create a more engaging and dynamic experience for your audience. By using music to set the tone and pace of your presentation, you can keep your audience interested and focused on your message. Furthermore, music can be used to transition between different sections of your presentation, helping to create a seamless flow and keeping your audience engaged throughout.

The Benefits of Using Music in Your PowerPoint Presentations

There are many benefits to using music in your PowerPoint presentations, including:

  • Engaging Your Audience: By using music, you can capture your audience’s attention and hold it for longer, making your presentation more engaging and memorable.
  • Creating a Mood: The right music can help to create a mood or atmosphere that supports your message.
  • Emphasizing Points: With the right song, you can emphasize key points in your presentation and make them more impactful.
  • Enhancing Storytelling: Music can add to the storytelling aspect of your presentation, making it more compelling and interesting.

Additionally, using music in your PowerPoint presentations can also help to break up the monotony of a long presentation and keep your audience interested. It can also help to set the tone for your presentation and create a sense of anticipation for what’s to come. However, it’s important to choose the right music that is appropriate for your audience and message, and to use it sparingly so as not to overwhelm or distract from your content.

Top Websites to Download Royalty-Free Music for Your PowerPoint Presentation

Before we dive into how to embed a song in PowerPoint, it’s important to note that you need to have the right to use the music you choose. You cannot simply use any song without permission as it may be subject to copyright law. However, there are many websites that offer royalty-free music that you can use freely. Some of the top websites for downloading royalty-free music are:

  • Pond5
  • AudioJungle
  • Soundstripe
  • Epidemic Sound

It’s also important to consider the type of music you choose for your PowerPoint presentation. The music should complement the content of your presentation and enhance the overall message you are trying to convey. For example, if you are presenting a slideshow about a relaxing vacation, you may want to choose calming and soothing music. On the other hand, if you are presenting a slideshow about a high-energy workout routine, you may want to choose upbeat and energetic music. Keep in mind that the music should not overpower your presentation, but rather, it should add to the overall experience for your audience.

How to Choose the Perfect Song for Your PowerPoint Presentation

Choosing the right song for your PowerPoint presentation requires some thought and consideration. You need to consider the tone, mood, and message you want to convey. One important factor to keep in mind is to make sure that the song fits the length of your presentation and doesn’t distract from your message. It should be used to support your presentation, not as the main attraction. Once you have selected a song, ensure that you have the rights to use it. As mentioned earlier, you can download royalty-free music from various websites that offer these services.

Another important consideration when choosing a song for your PowerPoint presentation is to think about your audience. You want to select a song that will resonate with them and enhance their experience. For example, if your presentation is geared towards a younger audience, you may want to choose a more upbeat and modern song. On the other hand, if your presentation is for a more mature audience, you may want to select a classic or instrumental piece. By considering your audience, you can ensure that your song choice will be well-received and add value to your presentation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Embedding a Song in PowerPoint

Now that you have the perfect song for your PowerPoint presentation, it’s time to embed it. Follow these easy steps:

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Click on the slide where you want to embed the song.
  3. Select the “Insert” tab from the top menu.
  4. Select “Audio” and then either “Audio on my PC” if you have a file saved on your computer or “Online Audio” if you want to find a song online.
  5. If you select “Audio on my PC,” find the file on your computer and click “Insert.”
  6. If you select “Online Audio,” type in the song you want to search for and press “Enter.” Click on the song you want and select “Insert.”
  7. Once the song has been inserted, you can choose to play it automatically or upon clicking the audio icon.

It’s important to note that when embedding a song in PowerPoint, you should always make sure that you have the necessary permissions to use the song. If you are using a copyrighted song without permission, you could be infringing on the owner’s rights and may face legal consequences. To avoid this, consider using royalty-free music or obtaining the necessary licenses for the songs you want to use in your presentation.

Alternatives to Embedding a Song in PowerPoint

If embedding a song does not work for you or you want a different way to incorporate music into your PowerPoint presentation, there are other options available. You can play the music from a different device like a smartphone or tablet, or you can use a third-party add-in like iSpring Suite or Morph. There are many options available, and you should choose the one that best fits your needs.

Another alternative to embedding a song in PowerPoint is to use a screen recording software to record the audio and then insert the recording into your presentation. This method allows you to have more control over the audio quality and timing, as you can edit the recording before inserting it into your presentation.

Additionally, you can also consider using royalty-free music from websites like AudioJungle or Epidemic Sound. These websites offer a wide range of music options that you can use in your presentations without worrying about copyright issues. However, make sure to read the terms and conditions carefully before using any music from these websites.

Troubleshooting Common Issues When Embedding a Song in PowerPoint

If you experience issues when embedding a song in PowerPoint, there can be a variety of reasons for this. Some common issues include the file format being incompatible, the file size being too large, or the song not having the correct rights to use. Ensure that your file is compatible with PowerPoint and falls within size limits. If you encounter any problems, refer to online tutorials for additional help.

Another common issue when embedding a song in PowerPoint is the audio not playing during the presentation. This can be caused by the audio file being muted or the volume being too low. Check the audio settings in PowerPoint and make sure the volume is turned up. Additionally, some antivirus software may block the audio from playing, so make sure to check your antivirus settings as well.

If you are still having trouble embedding a song in PowerPoint, consider using a third-party add-in or plugin specifically designed for this purpose. These add-ins can provide additional features and functionality, as well as troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing. However, be sure to research and choose a reputable add-in to avoid any potential security risks.

Best Practices for Using Music in Your PowerPoint Presentations

When using music in your PowerPoint presentation, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure that it benefits your presentation. Here are some best practices:

  • Use music sparingly: Only use music as necessary and avoid overusing it, as it can become a distraction.
  • Select the appropriate genre: Choose music that suits the tone of your presentation.
  • Avoid excessive volume: Ensure that the music is not too loud and does not overpower your presentation.
  • Add captions: Consider including captions if lyrics are essential to your message for the audience to follow along with the music.

How to Control the Volume of a Song in Your PowerPoint Presentation

If you want to control the volume of your song during your presentation, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the audio icon to select it.
  2. Select the “Playback” tab from the top menu.
  3. Choose the volume level you want by adjusting the slider or entering a percentage value.
  4. Save your changes.

Tips for Creating a Memorable and Engaging Music-Enhanced PowerPoint Presentation

Creating a music-enhanced PowerPoint presentation that is memorable and engaging requires some creativity and thought. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Choose the right song: Find a song that aligns with your presentation’s message and audience and speaks to them emotionally.
  • Use visual aids: Combine your music with visual aids, such as graphics, photos, or videos, to increase engagement and make your presentation more impactful.
  • Practice: Rehearse your presentation to make sure that the music fits in seamlessly and supports your message.
  • Stay focused: Ensure that your choice of music helps and not hinders the presentation, as it can be easy to get carried away.

How to Add Sound Effects to Your PowerPoint Presentation

Sound effects can add to the overall effect of a PowerPoint presentation, making it more engaging and memorable. Here’s how to add sound effects:

  1. Select the slide where you want to add the sound effect.
  2. Select the “Insert” tab from the top menu bar.
  3. Click on “Audio” and then “Audio on my PC.”
  4. Select the sound effect file on your computer and click “Insert.”
  5. If the sound effect doesn’t play automatically, click on the sound icon and select “Play in Background” from the “Playback” tab.


Adding music to your PowerPoint presentation, when executed correctly, can help enhance the delivery of your presentation, captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Follow these steps on embedding songs in PowerPoint effectively, and your presentation will be transformed into a more engaging and memorable experience for your audience. Remember to follow the recommended best practices and take into account the overall message and tone of your PowerPoint presentation when selecting your music and sound effects.

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