Choosing the correct chart for your Power BI report

In this live session, we'll guide you through the 3 fundamental rules that you should always follow when creating charts. By learning them, there is a good chance you will get it right no matter what the context of your data is.

We’ll dive deep into the different chart types, from most basic to advanced, and analyze real-life examples in both native Power BI and Zebra BI visuals.

You'll learn:
How to avoid typical mistakes in charting
The 3-step tutorial: How to choose the right chart
Most useful data visualization methods in business reporting
Practical examples in native Power BI & Zebra BI
Why you shouldn't use pie-charts and treemaps

Andrej Lapajne

Founder & CEO at Zebra BI
Andrej brings 25 years of experience in business intelligence and software development and 20 years as a consultant. Helping numerous international and regional companies achieve consistent and efficient internal reporting throughout the organization inspired him to build Zebra BI.

What happens when your charts aren’t right for your message or situation?

After much work, you’ve managed to prepare your data, set up a working data model in Power BI, and included many nice-looking charts into your reports and dashboards. You have shared your reports with your end-users, but WHAT??? They asked you if you could put the data into a large table instead!

Have you ever been in this situation? You’re not the only one… Even if you’re technically highly advanced, you have bumped into a classic issue: your charts aren’t the right ones for your message or situation. They might even be misleading.

Managers often prefer to inspect a table in Excel to come to a decision rather than observe beautiful visuals in Power BI. Not because tables are better, but mostly because the selection of charts is wrong and/or they are poorly designed.

You also probably heard that donut charts are a no-go and that you should replace them with other types, like treemaps. What if we told you this isn’t really the case?

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What a great audience, so much knowledge in one place.
Patrick Soehlke
Managing Director at Next Vision GmbH
Watching Zebra BI videos was a game changer for me in dashboard and report design! Thank you for always having great content! ⭐️
Meena Laird
Data Analyst
Woohoo! You guys rock the data viz world - keep up the great work!
Rachel Guthrie
Customer Success at Microsoft
Our financial landing page at KPN is completely based on the sales dashboard template. We also use a copy of the consolidated financials. The templates of Zebra BI are providing us with a lot of inspiration, and we don't "need to invent the wheel" again 😉
Wilco Nagtzaam
Senior FP&A Controller
You guys are amazing! Thanks so much for the great content! Keep up the fantastic work 👍
Kimberley Canoute
Business Intelligence Analyst
An amazing visual for finance. It has a lot of possibilities such as analytic periods, variances, or custom hierarchies for your income statement. 100% advisable.
Raúl Vinuesa Arjona
Senior Data Consultant
Awesome reports. Lots of tricks inside, thanks to the Power BI and the Zebra BI visuals.
Esteban Fabiani
MS PowerBI Consultant
Zebra BI is the best feature that has been created for Power BI. It makes designing reports easy. Thank you.
Brahim Chabane
Zebra BI User
I spent a couple of hours searching for a solution, your brief tutorial was the only one that worked for me. Thanks so much!
Ryan Cheung
Zebra BI User
It looks so good to a point that makes me be like, what's the point of me learning given I'll never be that good.....😄
Cheng Wang
Zebra BI User
Amazing, Mindblowing, Supereasy
Wilco Nagtzaam
Senior FP&A Controller
I've recently been experimenting with Zebra BI's custom Table visual, which is like the native Power BI matrix on steroids. If your work allows for the use of custom visuals, I think it's definitely worth checking out. Planning on doing a video on it soon...
Brian Julius
Chief Content Officer at Enterprise DNA Ltd.
Hot damn @ZebraBI...speechless. Can’t share it but it looks good!
Jonathan Kapoor
Commercial Reporting and Insights Manager
Hey @ZebraBI: Your CEO is a cool dude and your visuals for #powerbi and #Excel are insane. Thanks @lapajne for presenting today. It was a ton of fun 👊
Lars Schreiber
Power BI Consultant & Trainer
I can't believe you always manage to pack so many new and great features into every update :-)
Pascal Kiefer
CEO & BI Consultant
I dare to say that Zebra BI is the most realy hight level custom visual that exist right now. Amazin job, great updates. I definitely will keep recomending this custom visual to our clients.
Harry Ferrera
Senior Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst
I had a phone interview for a #PowerBI contract, where the interviewer said of the sample dashboards in my CV: "Great...I see you use @ZebraBI!" How cool is that? And they mentioned my top-secret passphrase on the call: "Actionable Insight". I'm in.
Jeff "Power BI Lobbyist" Weir
Modelling/Visualisation consultant and analytical storyteller
The reusable trick of switch I think is brilliant! And obviously, Zebra BI table replaces any other table now in Power bi. RIP to normal tables!
Manuel Barahona Gandía
Business Intelligence Reporting Manager
This visual from Zebra BI enables you to build stunning P&L, CF, and BS statements with complex structures with ease. Very intuitive for developers and users. In my opinion the best solution for Financial Reporting structures. 11 Stars!
Daniel DeHaven
Director of Financial Systems
Already tried stacked bar. It's fantastic! Thank you for such a great feature!
Tania Tombak
Principal Consultant, Executive Dashboards and Data Analysis
As you say, Andrej Lapajne, we spent A LOT, searching and explaining how to do Comments, with Power Apps, and also with the help of Excel. They were workarounds!!! No doubt...this is awesome and the simple way to go forward.
Esteban Fabiani
MS PowerBI Consultant