How to Delete Multiple Rows in Excel

A computer screen showing a spreadsheet with multiple rows highlighted

Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet applications used around the world and is an incredibly powerful tool for data analysis. Nevertheless, understanding how to perform basic yet essential operations like deleting multiple rows is paramount. Deleting multiple rows may seem like a simple task, but it is incredibly crucial, especially when working with large Excel sheets. In this guide, we will outline different methods and techniques for deleting multiple rows in Excel, along with some handy tips and tricks.

Step-by-Step Guide: Deleting Multiple Rows in Excel

Deleting multiple rows in Excel is easy, but before we get started, it is essential to save a backup of the sheet you are working on to avoid losing any data by mistake. Once you have done that, here is a step-by-step guide to deleting multiple rows in Excel:

  1. Select the rows you want to delete by holding down the ‘Shift’ key and clicking on each row header.
  2. Right-click one of the selected rows and click on ‘Delete’.
  3. A ‘Delete’ dialog box will pop up, and you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the selected rows. Click ‘OK’ to delete the rows.

It is that simple! You can also use the ‘Ctrl’ key and click on each row’s header to select individual rows before deleting them. This method also works for columns. Keep reading to learn more about other aspects of deleting multiple rows in Excel and some extra tips and tricks.

One important thing to keep in mind when deleting multiple rows in Excel is that any data in those rows will be permanently deleted. If you accidentally delete the wrong rows, you can use ‘Ctrl + Z’ to undo the action. To avoid this, it is recommended to make a copy of the sheet before deleting any rows, so you can always go back to the original data if needed.

Tips and Tricks for Deleting Rows in Excel

When it comes to deleting multiple rows in Excel, here are some useful tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Always select the rows before deleting to avoid unintentional deletion of critical data.
  • Use the ‘Ctrl + -‘ shortcut key to open the ‘Delete’ dialog box, then select ‘Entire row’.
  • Always double-check the rows you are about to delete to avoid making mistakes.

Another useful tip is to use the ‘Find and Replace’ feature to delete specific rows based on certain criteria. For example, you can search for rows that contain a specific value or text and delete them all at once. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially when working with large datasets.

Understanding Excel’s ‘Delete’ Functionality

When you delete rows in Excel, you remove them from the current sheet and shift the rows below them upward to fill in the gap. Excel does not automatically adjust formulas or references that may be referring to the deleted rows, so it is essential to double-check that everything remains accurate. Furthermore, deleting multiple rows from a sheet can seriously affect its structure, formatting, and layout, so it is essential to proceed with caution.

It is also important to note that deleting cells or columns can have similar effects on your Excel sheet. When you delete a cell or column, the adjacent cells or columns will shift to fill the gap, which can cause formulas and references to become inaccurate. Additionally, deleting cells or columns can affect the overall structure and layout of your sheet, so it is crucial to review your work carefully before making any deletions.

The Benefits of Deleting Multiple Rows in Excel

Deleting multiple rows in Excel can have several benefits, including:

  • Efficient sheet organization by removing irrelevant or redundant information.
  • Optimizing data analysis to ensure accurate insights and conclusions.
  • Removing rows that affect the sheet’s or document’s design and formatting.
  • Reducing file size and improving file performance.

Moreover, deleting multiple rows in Excel can also help in reducing errors and mistakes in data entry. By removing unnecessary rows, you can avoid confusion and ensure that the data you are working with is accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, deleting multiple rows can save time and effort, especially when working with large datasets. It allows you to focus on the relevant information and make informed decisions based on the data at hand.

How to Delete Blank Rows in Excel

Deleting blank rows is one of the most common tasks when working with Excel sheets. Here is a more efficient way to do it using the ‘Go To Special’ feature:

  1. Press ‘Ctrl + G’ to open the ‘Go To’ dialog box, then click ‘Special’.
  2. Select ‘Blanks’ and click ‘OK’. This will select all the blank cells in the sheet.
  3. Right-click on one of the selected cells and choose ‘Delete’.
  4. In the ‘Delete’ dialog box, select ‘Entire row’ and click ‘OK’.

This method ensures that you only delete rows that are entirely blank and helps to prevent accidental deletion of data. Always double-check your selection to ensure that you are not accidentally deleting any important data.

Using the Shortcut Keys to Delete Rows in Excel

The ‘Ctrl + -‘ shortcut key is by far the fastest way to delete multiple rows in Excel. Here is how to do it:

  1. Select the rows you want to delete by clicking on their headers.
  2. Press ‘Ctrl + -‘ to launch the ‘Delete’ dialog box. Click on ‘Entire row’ and confirm by clicking ‘OK’.

You can also use ‘Ctrl + Shift + End’ to select all rows in the sheet and then use the ‘Ctrl + -‘ shortcut key to delete the rows you want.

How to Delete Rows Based on Specific Criteria

You can use Excel’s powerful filtering and sorting capabilities to delete rows based on specific criteria. Here is how to do it:

  1. Select the column you want to use as a criterion for deleting rows.
  2. Click on ‘Data’ and select ‘Filter’ from the ribbon.
  3. Select the filter options that apply to your criterion.
  4. Select the rows you want to delete using the filter.
  5. Right-click on one of the selected rows and click on ‘Delete’.

Excel will remove the selected rows while maintaining any formulas or references in the rows that remain.

The Different Ways to Select Multiple Rows for Deletion

There are several ways to select multiple rows in Excel, including:

  • Clicking on each row header while holding Shift or Ctrl.
  • Selecting the first row, then pressing and holding Shift while clicking on the last row you want to select.
  • Selecting the first row, then pressing and holding Shift while using the down arrow to highlight additional rows to select them.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Deleting Rows in Excel

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when deleting rows in Excel:

  • Not saving a backup of the sheet before deleting rows.
  • Selecting the wrong rows or columns to delete.
  • Forgetting to check if there are references or formulas on the deleted rows that may affect the sheet’s accuracy.
  • Not reviewing the resulting sheet to check for errors or formatting issues.

Backing Up Your Data Before Deleting Rows in Excel

Backing up your data is a fundamental step that should not be overlooked when working with Excel, especially when deleting multiple rows. Here are some tips for backing up your data:

  • Save a copy of the sheet as a backup before deleting rows.
  • Use cloud storage solutions like OneDrive or Google Drive for automatic backups.
  • Create a backup copy of the whole workbook to avoid data loss.

Undoing Deleted Rows in Excel

If you accidentally delete the wrong rows in Excel, you can undo the deletion by pressing ‘Ctrl + Z’ or clicking on the ‘Undo’ button. However, it is essential to note that Excel only saves undo actions for the current session. If you close the workbook or exit Excel, you will lose any undo actions and irreversible changes may be replicated on future workbook saves.

Automating the Deletion of Multiple Rows in Excel

If you frequently work with Excel sheets that require deleting multiple rows, you can save time by automating the process. Here are some methods for automating the deletion of multiple rows in Excel:

  • Record a macro that deletes the rows and assign a shortcut key.
  • Write a VBA code to delete rows based on specific criteria.
  • Use a third-party add-in that streamlines the bulk deletion of rows.

Best Practices for Deleting Large Numbers of Rows in Excel

Deleting large numbers of rows can be time-consuming and cause formatting errors. Here are some best practices to ensure a smoother experience:

  • Always save backups and check for references before deleting large numbers of rows.
  • Use the ‘Find and Replace’ feature to replace the data in rows you want to delete with placeholders before deleting them.
  • Use the ‘Ctrl + End’ shortcut key to jump to the last cell of the sheet before deleting rows.

Troubleshooting Common Issues When Deleting Rows in Excel

Deleting rows in Excel is a routine task that can cause several issues. Here are some common problems associated with deleting rows in Excel and how to solve them:

  • Cells shift up abnormally: Check if there are references or formulas that need adjustment before deleting the rows.
  • Wrong rows deleted: Always double-check the rows before deleting and use backups to avoid irreversible data loss.
  • Excel freezing or crashing when deleting multiple rows: Close all other applications and turn off screen updating to reduce the load on the processor.


Deleting multiple rows in Excel is a crucial task that can improve sheet organization and data analysis. This guide has outlined different methods, tips, and tricks for deleting multiple rows while ensuring data accuracy and avoiding common issues. Be sure to always double-check the rows you are about to delete and backup your data to avoid data loss or irreversible changes. With these best practices in mind, you can confidently perform the bulk deletion of rows in Excel and streamline your workflow.

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