TODAY DAX Function

A graph showing the fluctuation of a stock index over a single day

In this article, we will dive deep into the world of the TODAY function in DAX. This powerful function allows us to work with dates and perform various calculations based on the current date. Understanding how to use the TODAY function and mastering its syntax is essential for anyone working with DAX and looking to leverage time intelligence in their data analysis.

Understanding the TODAY function in DAX

The TODAY function in DAX is used to return the current date. It does not accept any arguments and always returns the date calculated based on the system clock of the computer running the DAX formula. This means that every time the formula is recalculated, the TODAY function will return the current date.

It is important to note that the TODAY function does not have any time component. It only returns the date portion in the format YYYY-MM-DD. This makes it useful for calculations that require focusing specifically on dates and not on the time of day. For example, you can use the TODAY function to calculate the number of days between two dates by subtracting one date from another.

How to use the TODAY function in DAX calculations

To use the TODAY function in DAX calculations, simply include it within a DAX formula wherever you need to reference the current date. For example, you can use the TODAY function in combination with other DAX functions like CALCULATE and FILTER to perform more complex calculations.

Let’s say you have a sales table with a column for order dates. If you want to calculate the total sales made today, you can use the TODAY function in a measure like this:

“`DAXTotal Sales Today = CALCULATE( SUM(SalesTable[SalesAmount]), SalesTable[OrderDate] = TODAY())“`

This measure uses the CALCULATE function to filter the sales table based on the current date returned by the TODAY function. It then calculates the sum of the sales amount for the filtered rows. This allows you to dynamically calculate the total sales made on the current day whenever the formula is recalculated.

Exploring the syntax of the TODAY function in DAX

The syntax of the TODAY function in DAX is quite simple. It does not require any arguments and is written as follows:


By simply calling the TODAY function with empty parentheses, you will get the current date. This makes it easy to incorporate the TODAY function into your DAX calculations without the need for additional parameters.

Examples of utilizing the TODAY function in DAX formulas

Let’s explore some practical examples to better understand how the TODAY function can be utilized in DAX formulas.

Example 1: Calculate the number of days between two dates.

“`DAXDaysBetween = DATEDIFF(TODAY(), SalesTable[OrderDate], DAY)“`

This formula uses the DATEDIFF function to calculate the difference in days between the current date (TODAY()) and the order date of each sales record. The result is the number of days between the order date and today.

Example 2: Filter a table based on the current date.

“`DAXSalesToday = CALCULATETABLE( SalesTable, SalesTable[OrderDate] = TODAY())“`

In this example, the CALCULATETABLE function is used to filter the sales table and return only the records with an order date equal to the current date. This allows you to focus on the sales made today without the need for manual filtering.

Tips and tricks for working with the TODAY function in DAX

When working with the TODAY function in DAX, here are some helpful tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Due to its nature as a non-deterministic function, the TODAY function is not suitable for direct use in calculated columns. However, it can be used in measures to perform calculations based on the current date.
  • Be aware of the date format returned by the TODAY function. It is always in the format YYYY-MM-DD, which might need to be adjusted or formatted for display purposes.
  • Remember that the TODAY function returns the current date based on the system clock of the computer running the DAX formula. If your analysis involves multiple time zones, take this into account to ensure accurate results.

Common mistakes to avoid when using the TODAY function in DAX

Despite its simplicity, there are some common mistakes that can occur when using the TODAY function in DAX. Being aware of these pitfalls can help you avoid errors and ensure accurate calculations.

  • Forgetting to recalculate formulas: Since the TODAY function always returns the current date, it is important to recalculate any formulas utilizing this function whenever you want to get updated results. Failure to do so can lead to incorrect or outdated calculations.
  • Misusing the TODAY function in calculated columns: As mentioned earlier, the TODAY function is not suitable for use in calculated columns due to its non-deterministic nature. Always use it within measures instead.
  • Incorrectly comparing dates: When comparing dates using the = operator, ensure that the date formats match. The TODAY function returns a date without a time component, so you need to consider this when comparing it with dates that include a time component.

Advanced techniques for leveraging the TODAY function in DAX calculations

While the TODAY function itself is relatively simple, combining it with other DAX functions and techniques can unlock advanced possibilities for your data analysis. Here are some advanced techniques you can explore:

  • Using the TODAY function in combination with time intelligence functions like SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR to compare current sales with previous year’s sales.
  • Creating dynamic calculations that adjust based on the current date, such as calculating rolling averages or cumulative totals for a specific time period.
  • Building complex date ranges by utilizing the TODAY function together with functions like EOMONTH or DATEADD to calculate end-of-month or specific offset dates.

Optimizing performance when using the TODAY function in DAX formulas

When working with large datasets and complex DAX formulas that involve the TODAY function, it is essential to optimize performance to ensure smooth and efficient calculations. Here are some tips to help you optimize performance:

  • Minimize the use of volatile functions: The TODAY function is a volatile function, meaning it recalculates every time a formula is evaluated. Minimizing the use of multiple volatile functions in a single formula can improve performance.
  • Reduce unnecessary recalculations: Consider using techniques like calculation groups or calculation dependencies to minimize the number of times the TODAY function needs to be recalculated. This can significantly improve performance, especially for complex calculations.
  • Avoid unnecessary calculations: If you don’t need real-time results and can tolerate a slight delay in data updates, consider using query folding and materializing data to reduce the calculations required for utilizing the TODAY function.

Differences between the TODAY and NOW functions in DAX

While the TODAY and NOW functions may seem similar at first glance, they have some crucial differences that you should be aware of when working with DAX.

  • The TODAY function returns only the current date, without any time component. On the other hand, the NOW function returns the current date and time.
  • Due to the inclusion of the time component, the NOW function is more suitable for time-dependent calculations that require a higher level of precision.
  • When dealing with time intelligence or date-related calculations, the TODAY function is often more commonly used due to its simplicity and focus on dates.

Integrating the TODAY function with other DAX functions for powerful analysis

One of the great advantages of the TODAY function in DAX is its seamless integration with other DAX functions. By combining the TODAY function with other functions, you can unlock powerful analysis capabilities for your data. Here are some examples:

  • Using the TODAY function with the DATE function to calculate the number of days between the current date and a specific future or past date.
  • Combining the TODAY function with the EOMONTH function to calculate the end of the current month or the end of a future or past month.
  • Using the TODAY function with the MIN/MAX functions to find the earliest or latest date in a given range.

Harnessing the power of time intelligence with the TODAY function in DAX

The TODAY function plays a critical role in time intelligence calculations in DAX. Time intelligence refers to the ability to analyze and compare data based on specific time periods. By utilizing the TODAY function in combination with other time intelligence functions, you can gain valuable insights from your data.

For example, you can use the TODAY function with the SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR function to compare sales performance on the current date with the corresponding date from the previous year. This allows you to identify sales trends, track growth, and make data-driven decisions based on historical performance.

Best practices for incorporating the TODAY function into your DAX models

When incorporating the TODAY function into your DAX models, it is essential to follow best practices to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of your calculations. Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Use meaningful and descriptive names for measures and variables that utilize the TODAY function. This makes it easier to understand and maintain your DAX formulas in the long run.
  • Document your DAX formulas and provide clear explanations for the purpose and usage of the TODAY function in each formula.
  • Regularly recalculate your DAX formulas that involve the TODAY function to ensure that the results are up to date.
  • Consider creating calculated tables or columns to pre-calculate and store results involving the TODAY function. This can improve performance and reduce the need for complex calculations on the fly.

Troubleshooting issues related to the TODAY function in DAX calculations

When working with the TODAY function in DAX calculations, you may encounter some common issues and errors. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve these issues:

  • Check the data type: Ensure that the date columns or measures you are working with are formatted correctly as date or datetime data types, as this can affect the results when using the TODAY function.
  • Verify the date formats: Pay attention to the date formats used in your calculations. The TODAY function returns dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD, so make sure your data and calculations are consistent with this format.
  • Consider time zone differences: If your analysis involves data from multiple time zones, be aware of the time zone settings and ensure that the TODAY function is aligned with the appropriate time zone for accurate results.
  • Test your formulas with sample data: Use sample data sets and dummy formulas to validate your calculations before applying them to real-world scenarios. This can help you identify any issues or discrepancies related to the TODAY function.

Understanding the limitations and constraints of the TODAY function in DAX

While the TODAY function is a powerful tool for date calculations in DAX, it does have a few limitations and constraints that you should be aware of:

  • The TODAY function is non-deterministic, meaning it recalculates every time a formula is evaluated. This can impact performance, especially when working with large datasets or complex calculations.
  • The TODAY function can only be used within measures and cannot be directly used in calculated columns due to its non-deterministic nature.
  • When using the TODAY function in DAX formulas, be cautious about potential time zone differences and ensure that your analysis considers the appropriate time zone context.

By understanding these limitations and constraints, you can effectively work with the TODAY function and overcome any potential challenges that may arise.

With these exhaustive details on the TODAY function in DAX, you are now equipped to make the most out of this powerful tool and leverage time intelligence in your data analysis. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, mastering the TODAY function will enhance your ability to perform sophisticated calculations and gain valuable insights from your data.

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