Dynamics 365 meets Power BI with Zebra BI - Antwerpen 19.06.2019
We proudly announce that Zebra BI was invited to a special kind of breakfast - the one where Dynamics 365 meets Power BI.
Zebra BI and our CEO Andrej Lapajne are headed to Antwerpen to attend a special seminar called Dynamics 365 meets Power BI. The topic they will focus on is going to be: how to quickly analyze data from Dynamics 365 with the help of Power BI and custom visuals. Another speaker at the event will be CRM strategy & implementation expert Jure Jesenovec, the Managing Partner at Admiral Dynamics.
If you are in Antwerpen or nearby make sure you REGISTER HERE - there are still some open spots waiting for the ones who would like to get an overview and an explanation of the possibilities with the use of Power BI and custom visuals within Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Event details:
Dynamics CRM system is the hub for all your customer processes and data. If you enrich this information with insights from Power BI, you can create an "all-in-one solution" for steering and managing your business processes.
Dynamics 365 covers the processes, data, user interfaces and management aspects, but what about data visualisation? Power BI enables you to make data more useful and provide greater insights. Take your organisation to the next level with Power BI.
This breakfast session on Wednesday 19 June introduces participants to the use of Power BI and Zebra BI custom visuals with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
The course focuses on the use of Power BI functionality and technical possibilities of analysing data trends within their CRM organisation. Secondly, we’ll demonstrate a rich and clear view of your extended sales data that provide comprehensive insights for management.
Agenda at a glance:
08:30 - 09:00
- Welcome & Breakfast
09:00 - 11:00
- Dynamics 365 Meets Power BI: How To Quickly Analyse Data From Dynamics 365
Very much looking forward to seeing all of you there and getting to know you.

Event location:
Katwilgweg 2,
2050 Antwerpen,