Zebra BI goes to Power Platform World Tour Vienna, 29-30 October 2019
We are excited to let you know that Zebra BI will attend yet another in a series of #PowerPlatformWT events, this time in Vienna.
Zebra BI and our CEO Andrej Lapajne (who will host a session TOP 5 DAX tricks for sales & financial dashboards in Power BI) are headed to Power Platform World Tour stop in Vienna, to attend and meet both Microsoft and industry experts, explore the latest business challenges and solutions across various industries and see the innovative world of technology in action.
If you happen to be in Vienna or nearby make sure you REGISTER HERE - there are still open spots left for the ones who would like to get unparalleled access to premium Power Platform content and industry leaders.
About Zebra BI and Andrej's session:
A good DAX model can significantly shorten and simplify the development and maintenance of your Power BI dashboards. More importantly, smart DAX tricks will enable you to build super effective and user-friendly dashboards, where the end-user can simply switch the whole report page from monthly to YTD view, dynamically display different measures in the same visual, present meaningful actual vs budget charts in a few clicks, etc.
You will master top 5 practical DAX tricks that have been applied with great success in numerous real-world Power BI projects. [Extra BONUS] We will share the DAX code and PBIX examples with all participants! 🔥
Surely some good enough reasons that you book your attendance for Andrej's talk which is due on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 09:00 - 10:00 local time.
We are very much looking forward to this upcoming event, seeing all of you there and getting to know you.

Event location:
Jufa Hotel Wien City
Mautner-Markhof-Gasse 50,
1110 Wien,