Power BI February 2021 Feature Summary: includes Zebra BI visuals 4.5!
The Power BI February 2021 Feature Summary is out! Power BI has just released a few updates on ongoing previews, and there's a new color picker that features RGB color selector and a search bar making it easier for you to discover features. They are also introducing new filter operations - moreover, Power BI says they're also making it easier to configure email subscription attachments.
Both Zebra BI Charts and Tables visuals version 4.5 are included in the first Power BI feature summary of this year!
We would like to thank again Microsoft for the continuous support. Nonetheless, since version 4.6 is already soon to be released!
Zebra BI Chart visual featured as "Editor's Pick" too

Read what Power BI said about Zebra BI visuals and see the full Power BI feature summary here.
So what's new with the Zebra BI version 4.5 update?
We've recently introduced two major new features that are completely changing the way we build reports: custom formula editor and dynamic commentary in both visuals. On top of that, there are new functionalities such as the option to invert and rename groups in your tables, chevron arrows for displaying variances, and much more.
Learn about the full set of new features here:
thanks alot of information keren